
Partnerships between banks and cross-border payment companies


Michele Loureiro

A report published by the British consultancy Global Data predicts that real-time transactions should represent 28% of all payments in the world by 2027, exceeding 510 billion transactions. The information reinforces the premise that the payment market needs to be increasingly agile to meet the demands of consumers and companies.

This agility even goes beyond borders and more and more international payments need to adapt to this reality. In this context, Cross-border is gaining prominence in the payment market due to the increase in online purchases. The term used to name international business operations may seem simple, but it requires a lot of planning and analysis. Among the points of attention are issues such as the standardization of processes, operating costs, the requirements and regulations of the destination country, and numerous other issues.

For this reason, the trend is that more and more e-commerces, fintechs and startups connect with strategic banking partners to carry out these operations. In this way, companies can use the entire technological infrastructure of the chosen financial arm to offer payment services and serve their client portfolio without having to have a dedicated internal area for this purpose.

This can be the differential for business success. Let's think about the following example: Imagine that a fintech that is created to meet a certain customer demand and is faced with the need to set up a financial structure to carry out international operations. There are two possibilities: it may take a while to set up an area and start its own processes, or it can quickly connect to a partner, such as Ouribank, and focus on its business without the need to set up a backoffice structure.

Among the advantages of these partnerships, which are increasingly seen in the payment market, are points such as savings by hiring a specific team and not having to delve into regulatory exchange issues. In Brazil for over 40 years, Ouribank has been one of the references in the sector and is able to provide all necessary support for structuring the partner's operation. The bank's focus is on helping fintechs - and all their partners - to serve clients in a scalable manner, which drives growth, and guarantees security and compliance in operations.

In short, the tendency is that with the increase in e-commerce sales, which go beyond borders, companies will now rely on the infrastructure of financial institutions to carry out transactions, already with exchange, without the need to internalize processes. In this way, there is a guarantee of correct resolutions, agility and security in operations. With this, companies can focus on what really matters to them: to advance their business.

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