exchange rate protection
Protect your operations with foreign exchange hedging
Count on Ouribank to open up the world with more predictability of international currency fluctuations.

Count on Ouribank to open up the world with more predictability of international currency fluctuations.
Lock the exchange rate when buying foreign currency to settle in the future and eliminate the risk of fluctuation, fixing the amount to be paid in reais.
For all audiences.*
It is possible to lock the exchange of all convertible currencies.
The NDF is ideal to be used at times when the market is most advantageous for your company. It guarantees your exchange protection with a derivative, allowing future operations to be carried out with more planning and predictability.
With the future exchange rate, it is possible to lock the rate at the time the transaction is contracted and to settle for a period longer than 2 business days, with protection from the contracting to the settlement date.
We only serve companies.
More planning for international operations.
Ideal for imports, exports and financial operations.
How does the foreign exchange hedging work?
Foreign exchange hedging is a line of products that helps clients to have more predictability in international transactions. With it, it is possible to set the exchange rate at a predetermined amount that will be maintained throughout the contract, until the moment of liquidation, helping to avoid and find better opportunities.
How do the exchange lock and NDF work for individuals?
With Ouribank, individuals can prevent exchange rate fluctuations in their international operations that have a minimum value of US$ 50,000 (fifty thousand American dollars).
How does the correction on the due date of an NDF work?
On the due date, the price of the agreement will be compared with the price of the previous day (PTAX D-1). If the price is above the contract price, there will be a positive adjustment, which will be credited by the bank to the customer's account. If the price is below the contract amount, the customer must deposit the amount of the negative adjustment to balance the initial contract.